#9 has a sense!!
About 2 days left to CQWW DX SSB and, after installation of “the ninth brother”, the SSB crew push very hard to get it usefull for the week-end big party!
As one of the programmed “things to do” they were so fast to complete it by assembling and putting in place the 10 meters beams.
Despite of a windy enviroment, the team has the capability to put on the clouds 3 of the 4 final set-up antennas.
On top we can see an Hy-gain 105 BA pointing EU (@ abt 23M high), in the middle a Finnish JP284 pointing NA (@ about 19M high) and at the bottom another Hy-gain 105 BA in direction VK that also will cover Africa and the Middle East.
Now the #9 has a sense!
[cincopa AYEAuRqw8X14]
You are smart to have some fixed antennas. I am sure we will work on 10 meters! Chuck W5PR
branco di matti, in bocca al lupo HI!!!!! ( l’armadio funziona? spero di si altrimenti botte!!!) Per aspera ad astra.