CQ USA and more during ARRL 10m
The Monteverde Contest Club announces to be active for the forthcoming ARRL 10m contest (December 9-10, 2017) signing the usual D4C callsign.
Contest info here: http://www.arrl.org/10-meter
D4C station will be activated by IK2NCJ, IZ4DPV and HB9DUR and the trip to Monteverde is part of the station update.
Additionally, EA8FF Marc will join the team to help in taking care of the VHF section of D4C/B installation
QSL info as per instructions on our webpage and you can search after the Log deadline your QSO before submitting your QSL requests by checking through the following example:
We’re looking forward to contacting your station, even with a simple vertical antenna!
D4C – Monteverde Contest Club
You call, We answer !