Hi all,
Today we have uploaded CQWW CW Contest qso both on LoTW and Eqsl.
If you worked us during last week-end of November 2010 now you’ll be able to find electronic confirmation of the contacts.
If you wish to receive also paper QSL card you are welcome and you can send your direct card or bureau card following instructions you can find on-line pubblished here on our site.
TNX for your QSO!!
Best 73’s
Thanks for QSO in ARRL CW DX contest this past February (2011). I hope you are planning to upload your logs for this contest to ARRL. Best 73s.
Wonder to request a QSL for a contact made on 160 meters band (as show when I consult the “log search”). Unfortunately I don’t find any possibility for an OQRS QSLing. I should like to send a small donation together with my QSL request, because I still need Cape Verde cfm for my TOP BAND DXCC.
Thanks a lot if you can inform me what I must to do !
Tanti auguri et congratulations per le fantastiche risulti !
Mario, OQ3R
(Last QSO on TOP BAND : 24/11/2012 05:37 UTC 1.8 MHz during the WWDXC-CW