LoTW and Eqsl
Hi all,
Today we have uploaded CQWW SSB Contest qso both on LoTW and Eqsl.
If you worked us during last week-end of October 2010 now you’ll be able to find electronic confirmation of the contacts.
If you wish to receive also paper QSL card you are welcome and you can send your direct card or bureau card following instructions you can find on-line pubblished here on our site.
TNX for your QSO!!
Best 73’s
Heij, to LoTW manager :
Can You finally confirm via LoTW RTTY QSO on 10 MHz with YL2KF 12.02.2009. – this is all time FIRST QSO ON THIS BAND IN RTTY FOR YOU (not for me) from D4-land !
Please confirm via eQSL – KB9NPT 10/15 at 2002 GMT 28.454 SSB 5/9
Please confirm via LoTW:
1) SV1GZT/M 16OCT2011 15:20 UTC 10M SSB 28.575
2) SV1GZT/M 10DEC2011 15:03 UTC 10M SSB 28.5115
waiting also a print QSL via bureau.
Hi Could You Please Confirm Via eqsl Our 10M QSO 30/10/2011
Mni Tnx Es Vy 73 Martin GI3SG
Pse confirm your QSO:s with OH6NT via LoTW:
OH6NT 10.12.2011 at 10:37 UTC 10 m SSB S:59/R:59
OH6NT 11.08.2012 at 19:16 UTC 15 m CW S:599-001/R:599-926 (WAE)
Needed for DXCC, TU es vy 73, Thomas
Please confirm:
QSO #1: 10/27/2012 @ 0027Z on 14.297 MHz. SSB
QSO #2: 10/28/2012 @ 2219Z on 21.287 MHz. SSB
Thanks & 73