For the D4C team, preparations for this contest officially started at 0001 UTC on October 30th, 2023—the exact moment we wrapped up the last one Over the past...
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Perfect VPN for remote
responsive-img { width: 100%; height: auto; } Recently, we completed two significant projects aimed at...
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The RSGB IOTA CONTEST 2022 took place at the end of july A few days before the start of the contest, a small team of four operators from our UK friends, flew to...
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About D4C .

Perfect location for extreme contesters

The station is located in Monteverde, Sāo Vicente at 710 m (2300 ft) asl. Outside 8 towers from 45 to 120 feet high are covering the entire area, which also includes a radio shack with 8 operating seats and a small garage that protects a 60kVA power generator.
more about D4C

Our Media .

Some of the audio and videos taken by various operators of the D4C station.
by YU1AAV D4C@15CW
More audio

Contest Results .

D4C Results from 2007 until now

The station was active in over 50 contests in various categories ranging from Multi Multi to Single Operation.
Contest Results

Become a guest operator .

Ever thought of running pile-up at D4C?

The station’s geographical location in the middle of Atlantic Ocean combined with altitude of 700 metre Monteverde gives operators truely unique experience of operating. No noise, great near-equatorial propagation and fantastic antennas give even experienced operators a thrill.
Let us know!