Official New IARU R1 144 MHz Tropo records
The Monteverde Contest Team is excited to inform you that the Tropo IARU R1 was broken a few times in the last 8 weeks!!!!
On September 27th 2018, the records were made official by OZ1FF/Kjeld the IARU Region 1 VUSHF DX Records Coordinator
Distances were recalculated by WGS 84.
Distances were recalculated by WGS 84.

The digital contact may be the new Word record in FT8 mode on 144Mhz Troposcatter as well
EA8FF Mark was onsite in August using IC275 H into the fabulous 2x stacked array in 3 direction HM by Mark EA8FF and normally for beacons operations.
IK2NCJ Luca was operating the station remotely on 26th of September using 200W into the very same fabulous stacked array
Here some of the contacts made < 4000km
The 2m Power Amplifier kindly donated by Dave PJ4VHF will serve for the beacon and will eventually carried by HB9DUR the next 19.10 during his next trip in front of the CQWW SSB.
The officiao IARU R1 REcorde are published here:
Here a summary of the articles already published on the subjects: Save
Today 28th September 2018, G3SMT Peter was met by G8VHI Reg Woolley at the UK National Hamfest in Newark and sent these pictures along with the warmest regards to the D4Z crew. Peter said that he had no clue what the significance of the contact was until the next morning. His inbox was full of messages saying well done etc.