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QSL Information .

We manage different ways to answer to QSL Cards for D4C, D4Z and D41CV callsigns. For every incoming card (Direct or Bureau) is sent an acknowledgement email (only if your Email address is registered in QRZ.COM). To receive our QSL card: DIRECT to the following address: MONTEVERDE CONTEST CLUB 6963 Pregassona, Switzerland Post rates  EUROPE: 2 USD + SAE WORLD: 3 USD + SAE Please be sure to put the necessary donation to cover post expenses to your country. In case the donation will be not enough we will send our card via bureau.

VIA THE BUREAU Send your qsl via bureau to QSL manager IK2NCJ We also use to confirm QSO’s using electronic systems like: LOTW E-QSL QRZ.COM TNX for the QSOs and CU on the bands!

Order QSL via Bureau .

    Your CALLSIGN*

    Your Email*


    QSO information

    Select call-sign


    Your QSO file

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