CQWW CW 2012 official result
Another great experience into a new category!
Scoring more then 61 M points we entered 1st world into Multi operators/Multi transmitters unlimited category.
Unfortunately sunspots condition was not enough to reach the expected score.
Following the SSB victory we had a new confirmation we are in the right direction to get a flexible shack that allows to enter any category without loosing competitveness.
For the first time we managed up to 9 operators all together.
Logistically was a challenge but all worked nicely also thanks to the spirit of adaptation of the entire crew.
Thanks to the team and guest op’s for this incredibile effort.
We will try again on 2013 both SSB and CW.
Scoreboard has been update!
Check it out here
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RT @D4C_team: CQWW CW 2012 official result: A dream getting closer to reality….looking @ 2013 events..
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