Following last’s weekend Dayton HAMVENTION presence by HB9DUR, hosted by momobeam, the turtle keep moving on the road.
Two of the Monteverde Contest Club D4C members, will participate at the Polish Ham Radio Meeting ŁOŚ.
The Meeting will be held May 27, 2017 in Jaworzno at the border of SP6, SP7 and SP9 region.
Look for Rafal SQ9CNN and Pete SQ9D in blue D4C T-shirts and feel free to ask anything about our station.
Not only D4C operates a very competitive contest station atop of a 700m high mountain in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean exposed to winds, salt and moisture, but also hosts a number of third-parties projects.
Among our partner, we can mention antennas which selected Monteverde as real battle field for a long-term trial of its antennas. Another partner is (a Genscape company) which identified for the same reasons our location to test its systems to track worldwide vessels through the AIS system. Monteverde provides a wonderful location for VHF & up contact via Troposferic ducting.
“D4C on the road” – This wheel cover can be made available should you wish one.
Contact us via the usual channels.