To build a competitive contest station there are some basics to follow.
In the last years we really saw many changes in operative style according to the new technologies approaching our sport.
To achieve the top scores it is now more necessary then before to have significant partnerships with technical suppliers.
D4C team is honoured to announce a new technical cooperation with regard to their antenna systems that will be provided by “MOMOBEAM”.
Momobeam is a young company specialized in heavy duty antennas.
Momobeam has a package of standard articles but its flexibility allows to make YAGI antennas for HF and VHF at the specific request of the customer.
Momobeam uses the technology of simulation model on EZNEC, so you are able to rely on data tested before starting the actual construction of the project.
Momobeam is focused on the improvement of its products and for this it found in our location the necessary conditions for its products to be placed under continuous and exhausting mechanical stress with the aim of finding the limits and possibly improve them.
Please take a look at Momobeam website at for more information or Save contact
New technical partner: MOMOBEAM via @@d4c_team
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New technical partner: MOMOBEAM | D4C Monteverde Contest Team
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RT @D4C_team: New technical partner: MOMOBEAM:
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