Since we started the project we always wanted the possibility to cover all possible categories permitted by the contest rules.
This means that our hardware must be flexible for SOSB to MO Unlimited and must be always the most competitive one.
After some 1st world in MS and M2, last year, in November, we tested the station in a Multi Unlimited enviroment, partecipating to CQWW DX CW.
This experience had brought us another 1st world with a good 61M point score and 21k qso’s, but it was not enough to achive our goal.
That’s why we tryed again all in last CQWW WPX SSB contest (as we needed to test also SSB mode) that, not only was a succesfull contest, but we were able to set a new ALL TIME SCORE with almost 90M and an ALL TIME PREFIX working more the 1900 pfx!
The picture is ready!
We can go for a double M/M both SSB and CW for 2013 CQWW DX contest.
First step is to find enough op’s to follow what we have in our mind to get the highest score permitted by our station.
About 30 experienced SSB and CW operators has been contacted by organizators and they all agreed to join our invitation.
They are mainly operators that use to be active from the most popular loud station from Europe, but we have also an Asiatic op for SSB crew that surely will help the score to grow up working JA and an American op.
The crews are:
For SSB operation:
I4UFH Fabio
IZ4UEZ Dario
IK1HJS Carlo
IT9SPB Gianfranco
IT9RGY Gabriele
IZ1LBG Filippo
E77DX Braco
9A1TT Richard
SG7A Henrik
I4VEQ Claudio
For CW crew:
YL2KL Girts
K1RX Mark
YL1ZF kaspar
IK2JUB Stefano
LY2IJ Arunas
HB9CAT Marco
LB3HC Marius
YL3DW oleg
OM3BH Rasto
OM2VL Laci
OM3GI Jozef
OM7JG Julo
OM3RM Tibi
Internal hardware set-up is different from the previous M/M contest as we wish to have 2 operators on every band to be sure no call-sign is lost.
Actually there are 2 people doing some general maintenance. The work to be done goes from antenna set-up to stations assembly.
We are not too lucky as the weather conditions are not good and this makes very difficult to work on the towers.
More update later on…so follow us!!
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Great job guys!! Good luck and hope to work you in all bands!
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Me tooooooo ! Hi !
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Fantastic team!
See you in contest.