The Monteverde Contest Team, a 29 men strong multinational team , will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB & CW Contest taking place the last full week-ends of October and November 2013 respectively.
It is an usual meeting, in the most important and participated contest of the year, but this is a special year : yes, because we probably are at the peak of sunspot numbers and generally with best propagation for next 10/11 years.
So everybody should know that his two or three hours popping in a contest makes the contest great !
Cape Verde is a good DX and qso’s on all bands it’s not something you can do every-day .
So every Dxer, Qrp operator, or week-end operator is invited to participate !
All contacts will be confirmed electronically via LOTW or EQSL and you can get a special qsl replying to yours via bureau or direct to the qsl manager IZ4DPV.
Remember 26-27 October ( SSB) and 23-24 November (CW) See you on the bands !
73 de D4C crew !
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