Why the Caretta caretta Turtle is so important for the contest team and it has been inserted in the D4C logo?
Not only “I FOLLOW” D4C …..
More than 15 years ago, founder members of the D4C Monteverde Contest Team, participated in the CQ WW SSB contest as ultimate effort to reach the all-time score.
The latest trial happened in the year 1999 and 2000 from Lampedusa Island (Zone 33, IOTA AF-019) along with several other OM in the Multi/ Multi category signing as IG9A.
With reference to the fauna and flora, Lampedusa is a nesting site for the Caretta caretta, or loggerhead sea turtle which is an oceanic turtle distributed throughout the world.
The Isola dei Conigli (literally “Rabbit Island”), close to the south coast of Lampedusa, is one of the last remaining egg-laying sites in Italy for the loggerhead, which is endangered throughout the Mediterranean and is is a protected species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
As explained in our short biography, part of the IG9 contest Team moved in 2001 to Cape Verde, Africa in the search of the Holy Graal in contesting, signing initially as D44TC and D44TD.
Since the beginning, it was clear that there were a deep affinity with the site left back in Italy: The Caretta caretta Turtle.
In fact, the Cape Verde nesting population of Caretta caretta turtles is the third largest in the world after the nesting populations of Oman and Southeast Florida. It is estimated that up to 90% of the nesting occurs on the island of Boavista where guided tours to observe nesting turtles are held nightly from June until mid-October. August is the month of peak spawning season.
We felt that this special animal was “following” the newly born Contest Team and its destiny.
Therefore, we decided to adopt the turtle and to integrated it in our logo not only as Following element but also to enhance world sensitivity toward this endangered species.
The turtle is the prominent image used as well in our gadgets of the Donation 4 Children program.
D4C – Monteverde Contest Club
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