Small report about the latest CQWW SSB contest from the D4C Contest Station
Callsign: D4C (Op.HB9DUR)
Category SOSB 40m
3032 QSO, 36Z 130DXCC
1’497’154 pts
3el wire Yagi towards EU Made by Momobeam
3el wire Yagi towards USA Made by Momobeam
Soapbox: As the D4C contest station was not fully ready for a M/X effort due to the reconstruction activities post Hurricane Fred that caused damages to Antennas, Towers and coax Cables, two SB entry have been planned. The idea was 10m and 20m but once on site, the high level of interferences between 10m and 20m would have compromise the D4Z (IZ4DPV) entry on 10m.
HB9DUR and IZ4DPV have struggled for two days in trying to remove interferences with significant results but still not optimal.
This situation was caused again by the visit of Hurricane Fred. Therefore, the decision to change D4C (HB9DUR) entry from 20m to 40m was taken.
This has been the first effort in a CQWW competition with a complete new antenna setup on 40m installed on March 2015 already tested during CQWPX 2015.
I am happy with this results. Being far from EU it’s sometimes really difficult to keep an adequate clear run frequency.
Callsign: D4Z (Op. IZ4DPV)
Category SOSB 10m
6191 QSO, 36Z 148 DXCC
3’386’888 pts
4 x 5 el Yagi Made by Momobeam HD model Hurricane Destroyer
Thanks to MOMOBEAM for being our sponsor of such well performing antennas.
73 from the Monteverde Contest Team D4C-D4Z
Thank you all for the contacts