Update of 17th of November 15
Please follow these instructions : D4C Forum instructions. How to Notify a new message
I wonder if everyone has enabled the NOTIFY button in the main Subject / Topic Transatlantic Beacons
The NOTIFY button is located at the top right corner of topic window
The NOTIFY will allow you to receive updating notification via mail in order to follow just-in-time any news it will be added to the forum.
It would be great to see discussions and experience share growing.
73, Andrea HB9DUR
inks: Transatlantic Beacons
15th of August 2015
We have just opened a board on our forum for discussions over Transatlantic communications and beacons.
Our wish at D4C is that this forum could become a worldwide reference to exchange information, ideas, opinions, experiences and anything else related to Transoceanic communications on HAM bands on VHF and up.
If you like to contribute,please visit www.forum.d4c.cc and follow the registration process.
Let’s explore more the VHF & up together
Thanks !
D4C Team
Thanks for setting this up! I am in the process of building a station in FN53 at an elevation of 160′ ASL on a 19 acre parcel. I will have a 120 foot self supporting tower with 16 five element two meter yagis installed in a vertical phased array pointing 60 degrees. Present equipment includes a Kenwood TSB-2000 and the M2 solid state 1.2KW amplifier for two meters. I am working out remote access from my home QTH in FN42.
Dick, K1HC
Thank you Dick for sharing your station info. keep us posted and GL!
HPE CU on the bands. 73!
I am working in Praia until August 29…will try visit the beacon site and meet D44TS
Barry VE4MA