The Monteverde Contest Club will participate as exhibitor at Ham Radio 2017 in Friedrichshafen Fair from 14 to 16th of July 2017.
D4C booth is number A1-462 which is located again in a strategic Contest Corner close to RRDX, WRTC 2018, BBC and DARC + ARRL.
The 2017 edition will be more focused on social relation, easy talks with visitors and having great time together. The fast one can enjoy a D4C-branded Pale ale Beer!
You will have the opportunity to meet our new members Piotr and Rafal from Poland; they will more than glad to share their experience from Guest-op to full Members of the contest Team with you.
Shop (
This year again, we are offering some of our new gadgets Turtle-branded that help us to run our Donation 4 Children program. Our fans and supporters will enjoy:
- Blue coloured T-Shirts with turtle logo
- Royal blue hat with turtle logo
- 2.25 inch Button with turtle logo
- Power Bank 2200 mAh in Aluminium with turtle logo
- Battery torch with 9 LED with turtle logo
- Metal and Plastic pens with turtle logo
Opportunity for professionals
Not only D4C operates a very competitive contest station atop of a 700m high mountain in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean exposed to winds, salt and moisture, but also hosts a number of third-parties project.
Among our partner, we can mention momobeam antennas which selected Monteverde as real battle field for a long-term trial of its antennas. Another partner is (a Genscape company) which identified for the same reasons our location to test its systems to track worldwide vessels through the AIS system. Monteverde provides a wonderful location for VHF & up contact via Troposferic ducting.
The main Facebook event is here
Come and visit us! You are friendly welcome! Booth A1-462
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