Send us UR report…


We are almost into the BIG PARTY of CQWW SSB!!

Because our station is under development we like to receive from you any comment about how you are copying us, in wich band and also what kind of antenna system you are using.

More information we can get and more we can work trying to improve our project.

You can leave your infos as comment on the web-site or you can write to:
info (at) d4c (dot) cc

Thanks for your help and see you in contest!!!

12 responses to “Send us UR report…
  1. tnx for the new one in CQ WW, 31.10.10, 18:11 UTC your signal a strong 58 on 14206.70 kHz into Thailand. I can only hear your signal, no more signals on otherwise dead 20 m band, your signals fade away 18:50 UTC. Antenna here dipole 17 m high…
    pse QSL via Bureau to me, hpe cuagn… vy 73 de HS0ZEU Man.

  2. Hello to the gang! I worked you on the CQWW on 40 meters about 0605 on the 30th. You had a nice strong signal here in Mississippi. You were really a nice 59. I am just running an ICOM 765 PRO III to an inverted V at 15 meters. 73 Don W8DM

  3. Hi – we had the following QSO’s –
    D4C 10/30/2010 15 SSB 20:20zulu 5,9 5,9 Cape Verde ***************************
    D4C 11/28/2010 15 CW 20:48zulu 599 599 Cape Verde *******************************************
    I just checked your online log for 2010 and neither of these qso’s is in there. Have you uploaded your logs and if so why are both not in there? I particularly need the CW QSO for my DXCC award. Please let me know before I send you my QSL card and the return postage. Thanks and best 73 – Mike – W3MRL

    1. Hi Mike,

      I confirm you are in log with both QSO’s
      Shortly CQWW SSB contest log will be uploaded to LoTW.
      After CW deadline we will upload also your CW qso!

      TNX for calling us!

  4. IK2NCJ – FB – I thank you for the confirm on both QSOs. I see you have uploaded to LoTW for CQWW SSB.. I will await upload from CQWW CW contest. Very good QSOs and tnx. for the NEW ONE on CW. All the best…
    Mike – w3mrl

  5. HI dear I had a pleasure to conctat you on Feb 12th 2011 at 16:09 RTTY mode (CQ WPX )
    but you got wrong call (I8IEY),my correct call is I8IEQ.
    Can you fix it?TNX and 73 William I8IEQ

  6. Aloha,

    I made contact with D4C on 28Nov2010 at 0054 on 14022 KHz, gave 59931 report and received 59935. However, I do not find the QSO in the online log, and my request for a direct QSL has not been answered.

    Can you please check the log to see if my QSO appears? D4 would be a new DXCC entity for me.

    Thank you,
    Dan, KH6P

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