Special edition D4C Meter Stamps for direct QSL’ing
12nd February 2017
More than a year passed and we are now wondering if you like having received your QSL card from D4C-D4Z-D41CV with this kind of stamp with the D4C Logo.
We believe it makes your envelope special!
Any feedback please?
Should we continue? It is appreciated?
Thanks for your comments by replying or to info@d4c.cc
As of today 25th of January 2016, all D4C contacts confirmed via direct QSL will enjoy of our special personalised D4C stamp by the Swiss Post.
We are persuaded this innovative service will be appreciated by our fellows HAM operators.
This is another advantage in dealing with D4C.
D4C – Monteverde Contest Club
You call, We answer !
Direct QSL example