Following the intense manufacturing work resulted in many hours spent in assembling and in aligning the equipment, on Tuesday 12 January 2016 HB9DUR Andrea Bianchi received from HB9BCD Carlo Molteni the fully functional UHF beacon that will be transferred at the first opportunity to the D4C Contest station on top of the Monteverde mountain in Cape Verde for operations.
The beacon has run trouble-less for several weeks and the frequency of 1296.836 MHz is rather accurate as high care has been considered during engineering and assembly. The L.O. temperature will be maintained at 60 deg C.
THANKS TO DONATIONS AND SUPPORT from people like Carlo HB9BCD we can contribute more to our HAM community in discovering new aspects of our marvelous activity or pushing borders further away.
Contribute with the HAM community and work together with D4C Contest Club. We wait your ideas and inputs at
Today, 26 march 2016 from 23:00 on the beacon is received 589 QSB on
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your report confirming the good function of the System. Please keep us posted